
How To Enable Underline On iPhone

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The iPhone 12 is a powerful smartphone that comes packed with many features and functionalities. One of its most useful features is the ability to format text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through. This feature is available in the Notes app, and it can help you emphasize important points, create headings, and make your notes more readable.

If you’re new to the iPhone 12, you might be wondering how to format text in different styles. Fortunately, it’s a straightforward process, and you can do it in just a few taps. Here’s how to format text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through on your iPhone 12:

Open the Notes App

Step 1 is the initial step that you need to follow to format text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through in the Notes app on your iPhone 12. To begin, you need to open the Notes app on your iPhone 12.

To do this, you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen, which will bring up the App Library. From here, you can find the Notes app icon and tap on it to open the app. Alternatively, you can find the Notes app on your home screen and tap on it to open the app.

Once you have opened the Notes app, you will see all your notes listed. If you have multiple notes, select the one you want to edit. You can do this by tapping on the note you want to open.

Once you have opened the note you want to edit, you can proceed to the next step of formatting text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through.

Tap on the Text Style Button

Step 2 is the next step you need to follow to format text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through in the Notes app on your iPhone 12. After opening the note you want to edit, you need to tap on the Text Style button located in the toolbar above the keyboard.

If you don’t see the toolbar, tap on the Add button, which is represented by a plus sign, and the toolbar will appear. The Text Style button is represented by an uppercase “A” with a bold, italic, and underline option.

Once you tap on the Text Style button, a pop-up menu will appear with the different text formatting options. You can choose the style you want to apply to your text by tapping on the appropriate option.

It’s important to note that you need to tap on the Text Style button before you start typing if you want to format the text you’re about to type. If you want to format existing text in your note, you can select the text first and then tap on the Text Style button.

Select Text Style

Step 3 is the process of selecting the text style you want to apply to your text in the Notes app on your iPhone 12.

After you have tapped on the Text Style button located in the toolbar above the keyboard (as described in Step 2), a pop-up menu will appear with four options: bold, italic, underline, and strike through.

To select the text style you want to apply, simply tap on the option you want. When you tap on the option, it will become highlighted, indicating that it has been selected.

If you want to apply multiple text styles to your text, you can tap on each option in the pop-up menu to select them. For example, if you want to apply bold and italic to your text, you can tap on the bold option and then tap on the italic option. Both options will be highlighted, indicating that they have been selected.

Once you have selected the text style(s) you want to apply, tap on the Close button to close the pop-up menu and start typing. The text you type will be formatted in the style(s) you have selected.

Start Typing

Step 4 is where you start typing after selecting the text style that you want to apply to your text in the Notes app on your iPhone 12.

After selecting the desired text style in the pop-up menu, tap on the Close button to close the pop-up menu. Once the pop-up menu is closed, you can start typing, and your text will be formatted in the style you selected. For example, if you selected the bold style, the text you type will appear in bold format.

If you want to switch to another style while typing, you can tap on the Text Style button again, and the pop-up menu with the different text styles will appear. From here, you can select the new style you want to apply to your text, and the text you type will be formatted accordingly.

It’s important to note that the text style will apply to all the text that you type after selecting it. If you want to apply a different text style to a specific word or phrase within the text, you can select the word or phrase and apply the new text style using the same process as before.

Edit Existing Text

If you have already typed text in your note and want to format it in a different style, you can do so easily using the Notes app on your iPhone 12.

To edit existing text, you need to select the text you want to format. To do this, simply tap and hold on the text until the selection tool appears. You can then drag the selection tool to select the text you want to edit.

Once you have selected the text you want to format, tap on the arrow button located in the toolbar. This will bring up a new menu with various options, including Text Style. Tap on Text Style to see the available formatting options, such as bold, italic, underline, and strike through.

Next, select the formatting option you want to apply to the selected text. For example, if you want to make the selected text bold, tap on the Bold option in the Text Style menu. You can also select multiple formatting options at once by tapping on each option.

Once you have selected the formatting option(s), the selected text will be formatted accordingly. You can also deselect the text and continue typing in the new format.

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Formatting text in bold, italic, underline, and strike through on the iPhone 12 is a simple process. With just a few taps, you can make your notes more readable and emphasize important points. Whether you’re taking notes for work, school, or personal use, this feature can be a great way to organize your thoughts and make your notes stand out. So, the next time you’re using the Notes app on your iPhone 12, don’t forget to try out these text formatting options.

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