
How to Type Roman Numerals on iPhone

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Roman numerals have been in use for centuries, and they continue to be a popular way to represent numbers in certain contexts. From clock faces to book chapters to movie sequels, Roman numerals are ubiquitous in our culture. However, typing them on an iPhone may not be as straightforward as typing regular digits. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to type Roman numerals on an iPhone.

Enable the Roman Numeral Keyboard

The first step to typing Roman numerals on an iPhone is to enable the Roman Numeral keyboard. This is not a default keyboard option, so you will need to add it manually. Here’s how:

Go to “Settings” on your iPhone b. Tap on “General” c. Scroll down and select “Keyboard” d. Tap on “Keyboards” and then “Add New Keyboard” e. Scroll down to “Roman Numerals” and select it

Once you have added the Roman Numeral keyboard, it will be available to use whenever you need to type Roman numerals.

Type Roman Numerals

Now that you have enabled the Roman Numeral keyboard, you can start typing Roman numerals. To switch to the Roman Numeral keyboard, tap on the globe icon on your iPhone keyboard until you see the Roman Numeral option. Then, follow these steps:

To type “I,” tap on the “I” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard b. To type “V,” tap on the “V” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard c. To type “X,” tap on the “X” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard d. To type “L,” tap on the “L” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard e. To type “C,” tap on the “C” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard f. To type “D,” tap on the “D” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard g. To type “M,” tap on the “M” key on the Roman Numeral keyboard

To type larger numbers, you will need to combine these letters. For example, “IV” represents the number 4, and “XVIII” represents the number 18.

Use Auto-Correct

The iPhone’s auto-correct feature can be very helpful when typing Roman numerals. For example, if you type “ii,” the iPhone will automatically change it to “II,” the correct Roman numeral for the number 2. This can save you time and ensure that your Roman numerals are accurate.

Copy and Paste

If you need to type a long string of Roman numerals, you may find it easier to type them in a different app and then copy and paste them into your text. To do this, follow these steps:

Type the Roman numerals in a note or other app b. Tap and hold on the text to bring up the copy and paste menu c. Select “Copy” d. Go to the app where you want to use the Roman numerals e. Tap and hold in the text field to bring up the copy and paste menu f. Select “Paste”

This can be a quicker and more efficient way to type long strings of Roman numerals.

Use Third-Party Keyboards

The iPhone offers a default Roman Numeral keyboard that can be enabled by following the steps outlined above. However, if you find that the built-in keyboard is not meeting your needs or if you want additional features and customization options, there are third-party keyboard apps available on the App Store that you can try.

One such app is Keymoji, which not only allows you to type Roman numerals but also offers a wide range of emojis and emoticons that can be accessed from the same keyboard. This app uses predictive text technology to suggest relevant emojis and symbols as you type.

Another popular third-party keyboard app is SwiftKey, which offers customizable themes, swipe typing, and a variety of languages and layouts. With SwiftKey, you can easily switch between typing in English and Roman numerals as needed.

Gboard is also a popular option that allows you to easily switch between typing in different languages and scripts, including Roman numerals. It offers a variety of customization options, including themes and the ability to create and save your own personal dictionary of words and phrases.


In conclusion, typing Roman numerals on an iPhone is not as complicated as it may seem at first. With the right tools and knowledge, anyone can easily incorporate these ancient symbols into their digital communications. From using the built-in keyboard to installing third-party apps or using voice commands, there are various options available to choose from. Whether you’re a history buff, a language enthusiast, or simply looking to add some flair to your text messages, Roman numerals can be a fun and useful addition to your digital toolbox.


  • Can I type Roman numerals on my iPhone? 
  • Yes, you can type Roman numerals on your iPhone by enabling the Roman Numeral keyboard.
  • How do I enable the Roman Numeral keyboard on my iPhone? 
  • To enable the Roman Numeral keyboard, go to “Settings,” then “General,” then “Keyboard,” and finally “Keyboards.” Select “Add New Keyboard” and choose “Roman Numerals” from the list.
  • How do I switch to the Roman Numeral keyboard on my iPhone? To switch to the Roman Numeral keyboard, tap on the globe icon on your iPhone keyboard until you see the Roman Numeral option.
  • Can I use auto-correct when typing Roman numerals on my iPhone? 
  • Yes, the iPhone’s auto-correct feature can be helpful when typing Roman numerals. For example, if you type “ii,” the iPhone will automatically change it to “II.”
  • Are there third-party keyboard apps available for typing Roman numerals on my iPhone? 
  • Yes, there are several third-party keyboard apps available on the App Store, including Keymoji, SwiftKey, and Gboard.

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