
How To Make Nsfw Channel On Iphone [Ultimate Guide]

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Discord is a popular platform for chatting and socializing with friends, communities, and colleagues. However, there are some topics and content that are not suitable for everyone, and so Discord provides the option to create NSFW channels (not safe for work). In this article, we will explain how to make NSFW channels on iPhone.

Before we begin, please note that NSFW channels are only for users who are 18 years or older. Creating or sharing inappropriate content on Discord can result in a permanent ban from the platform. So, please use this feature responsibly and respectfully.

How To Make Nsfw Channel On Iphone

  • Step 1: Open Discord on your iPhone and log in to your account. To create NSFW channels on your iPhone, you first need to open the Discord app on your iPhone and log in to your account. If you don’t have a Discord account, you can sign up for free.
  • Step 2: Open your server where you want to create an NSFW channel. Once you have logged in to your Discord account, you need to open the server where you want to create an NSFW channel. You can do this by tapping on the server’s name or icon.
  • Step 3: Click on the channel where you want to create an NSFW channel. After opening the server, you need to click on the channel where you want to create an NSFW channel. This can be an existing channel or a new one that you want to create.
  • Step 4: Click on the gear icon on the right side of the channel. Once you have selected the channel, you will see a gear icon on the right side of the channel. You need to click on this gear icon to access the channel’s settings.
  • Step 5: Scroll down the Channel Settings menu and tap on “Edit Channel.” After clicking on the gear icon, you will see a Channel Settings menu. You need to scroll down this menu until you see the “Edit Channel” option. Tap on this option to edit the channel settings.
  • Step 6: Under the “Overview” tab, toggle the “NSFW Channel” switch on. Once you have opened the Channel Settings menu, you will see an “Overview” tab. Under this tab, you will see a switch labeled “NSFW Channel.” Toggle this switch on to make the channel NSFW.
  • Step 7: Click on the “Save Changes” button to apply the changes to the channel. Finally, after toggling the “NSFW Channel” switch on, you need to click on the “Save Changes” button to apply the changes to the channel. Once you have clicked on the button, the channel will be designated as an NSFW channel.

And that’s it! You have successfully created an NSFW channel on your iPhone. Remember to use this feature responsibly and respectfully.

Why I can’t create an NSFW channel on my iPhone

  • You are not using the latest version of the Discord app. Please make sure that you have updated your Discord app to the latest version. You can check for updates on the App Store.
  • You are not logged in to your Discord account. Please make sure that you are logged in to your Discord account on your iPhone.
  • You may have restrictions on your account that prevent you from creating NSFW channels. If you are under the age of 18, Discord will not allow you to create NSFW channels. Additionally, if you have violated Discord’s terms of service in the past, your account may be restricted from creating NSFW channels.
  • You may be trying to create an NSFW channel on a server where NSFW channels are not allowed. Some servers have rules and guidelines that prohibit NSFW content. Please make sure that the server where you want to create an NSFW channel allows it.


Creating NSFW channels on Discord can be a useful feature for certain types of communities, but it is important to use this feature responsibly and with respect for other users. We hope this tutorial has helped you create NSFW channels on your iPhone. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know in the comments below.


  • What is an NSFW channel? 
  • An NSFW channel (Not Safe for Work) is a feature on Discord that allows users to create channels where mature or inappropriate content can be shared with consenting members who are 18 years or older.
  • How do I create an NSFW channel on my iPhone? 
  • To create an NSFW channel on your iPhone, you need to open the Discord app, log in to your account, open the server where you want to create an NSFW channel, select the channel, access the channel settings by clicking on the gear icon, toggle on the NSFW switch under the Overview tab, and click on the Save Changes button.
  • Why can’t I create an NSFW channel on my iPhone? 
  • There are several reasons why you may not be able to create an NSFW channel on your iPhone, such as using an outdated version of the Discord app, not being logged in to your Discord account, having restrictions on your account, or trying to create an NSFW channel on a server that doesn’t allow it.
  • Can anyone access an NSFW channel? 
  • No, NSFW channels are only visible to members who have enabled access to NSFW content in their Discord account settings. Also, NSFW channels can only be accessed by members who are 18 years or older.
  • Is it appropriate to create NSFW channels on Discord? 
  • Creating NSFW channels on Discord can be appropriate for certain types of communities or conversations. However, it is important to use this feature responsibly and respectfully, and to ensure that all members who access the NSFW content are 18 years or older. Inappropriate content or behavior can result in a permanent ban from the platform.

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