
How to sign up for nest aware on iPhone

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People like to use nest-aware products such as displays, speakers, and cameras like various home appliances. 

You must use the google home app for controlling these devices. This is a disadvantage if you are an apple user who has to work with apple ios and several apple products. But you are lucky. Apple has introduced a method for signing up for nest aware.

When you use the nest aware subscriptions, you should know about the taxes, renewals, payment methods, and cancellations.

How are you getting a nest aware subscription from the google store?

  1. You should go to
  2. Sign into your Google account
  3. You should select your subscriptions.
  4. Select nest aware
  5. Select started
  6. Following the screen steps and set up a nest aware subscription.
  7. The subscription will start within 24 hours or after the end of the trial.

If you want to change your payment method, you should follow these steps.

  1. Select the subscription.
  2. Select the change the payment method.
  3. Then select the payment method

If you want to switch nest aware subscription,

You can’t purchase any new nest aware

You can’t change the billing plan cycle.

But you can upgrade from nest aware 2nd gen to nest aware plus at any time.

How to cancel your subscription

  1. Select the google home app
  2. Select the cancel subscription through the google store or google play.

How to renew your subscription

When you are using a nest aware subscription, your payment method is renewed every monthly or yearly automatically.

How about the taxes for your nest aware subscription?

1. When you use a nest aware subscription, the taxes determine according to your billing address.

  1. if you change your residence, do not change your taxes until the current bill period.
  2. if you take a new subscription payment, you should pay taxes to the new billing address.
  3. the subscription prices include, Value Added Tax (VAT) and goodness and service (GST)
  4. if you are in the don’t get more in taxes in countries or regions with VAT or GST.

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